Message of the BirdSong

Drinking coffee as the early morning awakens my consciousness, listening to the message of the birdsong, opening my mind to the power and beauty of creation within, I have written much of the undiscovered creation of the future, they say that life is the daydream within the mind of God, I am the dreamer surely God is not sleeping, as my consciousness is within the mind of God, does this mean I am sleeping to, this life must be a lucid dream in which I change my surroundings friends, lovers, home, and work, to create my perception of the life I desire.

As I sit here writing it dawns on me that people, are happy to remain within there creation, shunning change at all costs when change comes, causing much hurt to there accepted normal, change is the engine of life it happens within and around us everyday, do we not grow old from cradle to grave,  should we not attain the wisdom that growing old should provide, my body is 57 years old but my mind still young and open to new things, seeking change and all life has to offer.

The message of the birdsong tells me that everyday is a new day, in heart and mind and anything is possible, as all change comes from heart and mind, and that I should always seek to better myself, in anyway I can, not only in material ways better car nicer holidays, but to seek and to grow in heart and mind, to be able to weather all that life throws at me with Love, Kindness, Compassion, and understanding. So that I may rise above all that wishes, to pull me down into the abyss, of anxiety anger and doubt.

Not many people realise that life is a journey of self discovery, much more to life than the journey of cradle to grave, life is a state of mind in which our spirit learns and grows, to remain in a state of comfortable ignorant inertia, we deny ourselves the opportunity to learn and grow, we may have the bigger house, flashier car, exotic holidays, the more attractive woman, but we cannot take none of that with us, although we need to earn coloured  paper and shiny buttons, to survive and be comfortable in this material earth plane, wealth in heart and mind enriches us throughout eternity, as our spirit grows and shines more brightly, within the light of God.

I have been blogging now a year today, and have written 30 blogs I hope you have enjoyed reading, I have documented my journey over the past year, as you can see it has not been easy at times, but I sit here so thankful in all I have experienced, as I fully intend to go on creating myself, with all that life intends to teach me, I am thankful for the message of the birdsong, for reminding me that all things are possible, when we grow in heart and mind and focus on being the best we can become, not only for ourselves but for all around us, and when I am called back to the spirit realm, it will be the riches of heart and mind I will be taking with me, knowing my deeds good and bad will echo in eternity, the message of the birdsong beckons in 2018, telling me to do what I love to do, and be the best I can be.



Stephen Rowlands 26/12/17